Spartan Nash Case Study

Spartan Nash Case Study: The Challenge
Always on the lookout for quality Associates for its warehouses, SpartanNash was intentional about regularly hosting hiring events. The problem? Their past efforts had limited results. Previous events had little to no promotion, aside from some traditional signage in the area directly around SpartanNash’s distribution centers. Having worked with MPP on previous campaigns, SpartanNash knew MPP had the know-how to run a targeted digital campaign that would bring more quality candidates to its hiring events.
Spartan Nash Case Study: The Solution
Since people scroll through an average of 300 feet of newsfeed content daily, MPP knew that we could reach plenty of users on social media. It was a perfect fit for this campaign. Since this hiring event was for in-person jobs, MPP had to keep a tight geographic focus. Our digital experts employed geo-targeting to zero in on a radius of 35 miles around SpartanNash’s headquarters. In addition to the tight geo, we aimed to find users who had recently displayed an interest in job searching and applications.
Spartan Nash Case Study: The Results
Location #1:
Increase in attendees
Increase in job offers
Location #2:
Increase in attendees